Thursday, November 25, 2010

Week Eleven

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Being as we don’t have class today I will once again write about Tuesday’s class. We went on a field trip which was a nice break from the usual routine. We started off the day at the Walker Museum in Minneapolis. I drove by myself and arrived at the Walker only to find that the rest of the class was still waiting for the bus in Menomonie. I found a few other students who were also waiting for everyone else to arrive and we engaged in a nice chat till the others showed up. The thing that stood out the most at the Walker for me was the Yves Klein exhibit. I had heard of his work in other classes so I was excited to see what this blue color was all about. It was a very striking blue so I give him credit for that.
After the walker we went to the Bell Museum of Natural History on the U of M campus. I briefly walked around then found a moose to draw. Once I was burnt out on drawing I walked around a little more. I found it interesting that they preserve all these animals but at the same time it creeped me out. I never grew up around hunters or had to truly prepare my own meat so just thinking about how a taxidermist does their job everyday was weirding me out. I’m definitely a wuss when it comes to that stuff. It was also a different experience drawing an animal. I tried to start it the same way we would in class, I drew the spine and imagined what the rib cage might look like and the torso. My drawing was not very good though, I felt it looked like a cartoon. I’ll still to drawing people for now.


  1. My drawing from the Bell Museum didn't turn out the way I wanted it to either. How is it THAT difficult to draw an animal when we have been drawing people and shells all semester? Either way, it was a good change of pace and the field trip was actually very interesting and useful!

  2. I was also excited to see Yves Klein's work and found that the blue color in his working is definitely much more striking in person then in the slides that I have seen in art history classes. The Bell museum was also fascinating and yes, it was difficult to draw animals. Sounds like a lot of people had a hard time with it!
