Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week Six

This past week we handed in our contour line drawings of our shells. I learned a lot from this assignment and I’m glad we get to have another attempt at it. We broke into small critique groups and I really appreciated what my group had to say. They said I could lighten my lines a little bit at the top of the shell to help with the perspective aspect. I was also told I possibly added too many lines in some areas. My lines near the far end of the shell need to show more volume. The image looks flat because some of the lines are similar in shape and repetitive. They enjoyed my line weight in the front and overall they liked my angle and my use of the space on the page although those things can always improve as well.

On Thursday we spent more time doing longer drawings. The first 30 minute session we did I found to be very difficult to get started. It was as if I blanked out for a bit. But soon enough it came to me and I was able to continue with the assignment. I feel as though I struggle with proportions so I’ve been trying really hard to work on measuring things out in reference to landmarks on the body.  It’s frustrating sometimes when you can’t make something look right and you have no idea why. I can find the angle of a line, figure out where it connects on the body but it just looks off. Hopefully this will get easier as the semester goes on.


  1. Your drawings look great! I seemed to have some of the same problems with my shell that you say you had with yours: too many lines. You did a great job of using the page with the diagonal and the line weight looks good! I also had trouble this week with proportion but I can't even tell with your picture- everything looks really good! I think the measuring techniques help a lot. We had almost the same angle and pose with the model and I must say that your arm (the one that's lying on the table) looks way better than mine. Good job!

  2. I have trouble with angles as well, I always find that my head and neck angles look off. I love the hands and feet in the drawing, it reminds me of the wooden figures that people always draw from, good strategy :]
